Literary short stories as NFTs

Hello traveler,

I’m an aspiring fiction writer, and you can read my short stories here. They deal mostly with people on a little town in northern Mexico called Hermosillo.

Head over to my collections to start reading them.

And if you’d like to support my work, you can buy copies of my short stories as Non-Fungible Tokens.


Would you like to collaborate on a piece together?

I’m working with other artists in this space, such as @dhtenshi, the cyberpunk extraordinaire, pioneer of this exciting movement.

I’ve collaborated with @cerenyuzgul, a fantastic artist that made the cover for Juvencio’s Zenith Bed.

And that spine-chilling photograph, the cover for The Diabolical Chords, was taken by photographer @horebglez, another incredible artist whose medium is conceptual and artistical photography.

Hit me up, I’m game.


By the way, the goblin next to you is called Fred, and he is the first literary inhabitant of the crypto-art space.

Fred the Goblin